You may ask yourself what does Body Armor have to do with this Coronavirus? In ordinary circumstances, nothing. However, the increased risk of violence and chaos plus the decline in available resources raised the pressure in the public at a striking level. While you hope that the need for one does not come, it is better to be safe than sorry.
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Learn more about the reasons why bulletproof items cost much and why it is a must-have item for the military, security personnel, or even civilians. Plus, we will share with you how you can have these items without having to break your bank.
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Criminals will strike anywhere—parks, parking lots, and even in crowded streets. In a time where people are busy going their ways and running their errands, it may take more than a signal of distress to get someone's attention, especially if you need help. The truth is, the happiest season of the year can turn out to be the most dangerous.
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Mass shootings can happen to anyone, anytime, and anywhere. This horrendous event can occur at places like schools, public utility vehicles, and even private establishments, to people who least expect it. Over decades of research, scientists saw patterns of people who committed crimes related to shootings. This article will shed some light on why people commit such a horrible crime and how to stay safe if a mass shooting occurs. Read on as what you will learn might save you and your loved ones in the future.
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