Bulletproof Zone Blog

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Why Are There So Many Different Types of Ballistic Helmets?

Bulletproof helmet with NVG attachments
When it comes to bulletproof or ballistic helmets, the number of choices available to you can be daunting, especially if it’s your first time purchasing one. However, it all comes down to the right priorities for your protection. Here, we’ll guide you to become familiar with the different kinds of ballistic helmets available.

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What's New in Bulletproof Zone?

What's New in Bulletproof Zone?


Bulletproof Zone is excited to announce new partnerships with some of the industry's best brands to bring you the most up-to-date and highest-quality body armor, tactical gear, and accessories.

Read on to find the low-down on our newest vendors so you can start adding them to your cart and upgrade your loadout right away!

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Bulletproof Armor for School Children?

Little girl running with purple backpack

It’s back to school for children across the US in the next few weeks. While there may have been a halt on the rising number of school shootings last year due to the global pandemic, some school safety experts believe that the recent shootings in Colorado and Georgia can be an indicator that these types of incidents is still a part of reality in the country.

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Brand Spotlight: Legacy Safety and Security

Brand Spotlight: Legacy Safety and Security
For Rob Hausman, a 20-year disabled US Navy veteran turned CEO of Legacy Safety and Security, witnessing firsthand how military personnel and civilians alike leave their heavy armor plates and wear empty vests in order to move more freely during life-threatening situations was enough for him to see what was severely lacking in the industry -- LIGHTWEIGHT, ERGONOMIC, AFFORDABLE BODY ARMOR.

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