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Why You Should Invest In Bulletproof Clothing

Man aims a gun at a person wearing a bulletproof vest

The world has become a scary place over the past few years, with numerous shootings and scares. This is why it doesn’t come as a surprise that people are now starting to look for bulletproof clothing that can be worn in normal day to day activities. From a bulletproof vest to a bulletproof 3 piece suit, demand is on the rise. If you’re looking for the best quality bulletproof clothing products, Bulletproof Zone has a large variety of bulletproof clothing collections that are available at an affordable price. The only thing you need to do is to pick the one that best suits your needs or preferences. So, get one today and achieve the protection level you want!


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Top Body Armor Materials Compared: Steel vs Ceramic Plates and Polyethylene

Hard Body Armor Plates on top of each other
If you have ever purchased body armor before, you probably know that you have the option of choosing between hard and soft armor plates. However besides those that primary decision, there are still a few choices you have to make. You need to decide whether you will go for hard steel, ceramic, or polyethylene plates. To help you come up with a wise and informed decision, here is a quick overview of the different materials used for hard armor plates and the pros and cons of each one.

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How To Set Up Your Plate Carrier

How to setup a plate carrier

The plate carrier is effectively your number one companion during combat. This is the very reason why proper plate carrier set up is as equally important as getting yourself prepared. The last thing you would want to happen is to end up suffering from a gunshot while you are busy getting the extra mags placed in the wrong part of the vest. Your plate carrier will only serve its purpose if you prepare it the right way.

The plate carrier has been among the most utilized pieces of equipment for the past 15 years and counting, being most preferred option for protection among law enforcement and military officers, and recently, it has also become increasingly popular among civilians.

This means a growing number of variations and designs which make it a rather daunting process to choose the right carrier and corresponding attachments and accessories for your needs.

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What Kind of Bulletproof Backpack or Backpack Armor Should I Buy?

Man demonstrating how a backpack converts into a protective vest

In this modern world where things can happen out of the blue, ensuring your safety as well as that of your family and loved ones has become more paramount than ever. Just recently, the United States has been experienced a tragic string of  increasing active shooting cases across the nation. Lives were lost, serious physical injuries were incurred, and fear and anxiety conquered the minds of the survivors.

These shooting incidents, most of which took place in schools, are raising concerns among civilians, specifically parents who want to protect not only themselves but also their children. As expected, many have started looking for ways to take safety into their own hands and ensure their children's safety, and bulletproof backpacks seem to be a viable option. However, there are several important things to know before purchasing your backpack armor which we explain in more depth below.

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Hard and Soft Body Armor: Which Works Best For You?

Tactical Plate Carrier Laid on the Ground
Many people are now using body armor for several reasons. Previously, military personnel were the ones who first used this protective clothing, yet today everyone can use body armor. Whether you’re a private citizen or a bodyguard, body armors are widely available in the market. However, when looking for the best one suited for your needs, you might encounter terms soft body armor and hard body armor. These are the types of body armors you can find in today’s market. But, what’s the difference between soft body armor and hard body armor?

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Caring For Your Protective Gear

Man wiping a body armor insert with a white cloth
Every day your body armor is expected to take care of you, and it will, but first you need to take care of it.  Body armor requires regular care to keep it fresh and to prevent damage to the plates.  You don’t want it broken, and you don’t want to smell like a sweaty beast. Your body armor should receive regular attention.  At the very least you should wash bullet proof vests once a week like you would with any of your other duty equipment.  If you have the time, it can be washed more often but most work schedules will not allow for that.

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